Normally I wouldn't concern myself about this situation because the radio/alarm clock is my spouse's responsibility. He has to rise early each morning and therefore he is the one who relies on this electrical appliance to alert him that it is time to "rise and shine".
However, he was away overnight and, as I was to work in the morning, it seemed like a good idea for me to remedy the situation as I do like to know the time whenever I awake during the night.
So I picked up this little contraption and I started pressing each and every button until I managed to make the digital numbers move towards 9:00.
I cared not if it meant 9:00 in the am or the pm.
The task completed, I drifted off to sleep and into Dreamland which is always an interesting place to visit.
Well, I must tell you that I did not have a very peaceful night.
The radio/alarm clock activated a number of times throughout the night.
As the alarm regularly activated, I remember seeing numbers such as 12:something, 1:something, 2:something and 3:something.
There were probably more occasions but I may not recall them as I was not exactly lucid. I would have been in my REM sleeptime during those early hours.
The first time that I was awakened by the radio chattering away at me, I reached over and I pushed a few buttons.
Happily, I found that the top left hand button seemed to quell the radio chatter.
Well, that was until the next occasion and the many occasions to follow.
By 3.10 I decided to leave the radio on for a while. There must have been a change in the programming because I found that the chatter had finished and, instead, I was being serenaded by (or should that read "subjected to") country and western songs.
It wasn't long before I decided that I could not cope with any more of those sad little ditties and I had to take action.
I may well have become a little more lucid at this hour because I suddenly twigged to the reason why I was being tortured. Whilst I was indiscriminately pushing each and every button trying to set the time, I had somehow managed to programme in a number of alarms.
I had a bright idea, "Surely there is a volume button somewhere on this evil machine."
I poked about the bottom front of the machine and managed to push a button that stopped the country and western music. However it left me with a sort of hissing noise and I immediately guessed that all I had managed to do was to move away from the signal for the radio station.
I decided that I may be able to live with this noise and I rolled over in the hope of finding some more sleep.
But no, this new noise began to irritate me. It felt like I was sharing my bedroom with an angry snake.
Once more I reached across and pushed at buttons and at last I stumbled across the volume button. Peace at long last!
You may ask, "Why didn't you turn on the light and solve the situation earlier?"
Sure, in retrospect, that would seem to have been the sensible thing to do when I had the first alarm at about 12:something.
However when one is drunk with sleep, one does not function in a sensible manner.
And now to my dreams. Mostly they were very entertaining. And I was enjoying a particular dream where I was attending a party with family and friends.
I am guessing that this dream would have been about the time of the 3:something awakening which is a time when dreams can get a little weird. (Ah yes, there is a separate blog to write about my strange and silly early morning dreams!)
As I cuddled into my pillow I had hoped to rejoin the party and as I tried to reenter the dream, I found myself confronted with an image something like:
Yes, my subconscious was asking me to verify my access to my subconscious.
Me thinks I am spending too much time commenting on Blogs on the Internet.