The contrast of views from their home and the views from our home evokes a well known poem My Country © 1904 by Dorothea MacKellar. I have quoted extracts from her poem.
Below is the view from the balcony of the third storey beachfront unit.
I love her jewel-sea
The view below shows a couple of the beaches south of the unit and also the mountains west.
The sapphire-misted mountains
This morning I took some photographs of my autumn views of the farm. We are experiencing a drought at present.
The view below is looking from the front of the house.
Her pitiless blue sky
The view below is from the rear of the house. It is the view I see as I wash the dishes, making it a pleasant task.
You may notice Pod (see post dated Janury 1st)who remains incarcerated in our sturdy yards due to his continued bad behaviour.
Over the thirsty paddocks
Though earth holds many splendours, wherever I may die,
I know to what brown country my homing thoughts will fly.
Bit too sentimental of me I suppose but I do love my country.
Thanks to your comment on my site Ive now started reading yours . You make your life sound so fascinating . I loved the pictures , of the landscape and of Bill , relaxing after hunting out the snake for you .
I will go on reading
Thank you so much Shelagh. It is a hobby and keeps me sane. I look forward to viewing you beautiful photos and text. I expect you can tell I adore cats as well as cows. Best wishes, Michelle.
Hello Again Shelagh,
I tried to send off another comment before and it disappeared so if this is a repeat comment just delete me!
I have been surfing your site and loving it.
I don't wish to tell you what to do but there is an Australian site (proud Australian here) called where you can display your photographs and writing and you can get some lovely feedback from a very supportive membership.
Also you can sell your images on commission and I, for one, would love to be able to buy a copy of some of you wonderful photographs. Especially as greeting cards.
I will be viewing your site regularly as I love your pics and your cats and your environment is green. We are in drought here in Queensland and I love the idea that it is green elsewhere in the world.
Hate to see the devastating floods however. Weather is so unfair. Best wishes (again), Michelle.
Hi I have been coming back to your site wondering if you have added more but hadnt realised you had replied to my comment ., I will certainly have a look at Redbubble . I am keen to increase my reading of blogs and of course its great to know that people read mine .
Its certainly green here , and you will inspire me to take more photos .
Thanks so much for your comments
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